Month: January 2019

  • Digging for Bait at Port-Na-Blagh

    Digging for Bait at Port-Na-Blagh

    This submission was one of the first to this website. It was submitted by a frame shop and gallery based in Bellingham, Washington, USA! The story behind the painting is largely unknown other than the owner of the shop had purchased the painting at the sale of an estate in the area. They contacted the…

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  • Show me the road

    Show me the road

    This was Jackie Connolly’s last portrait of his brother Joey Connolly in 2012.

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  • Oz


    This painting was gifted to my husband and I as a wedding present. Jackie gave us a choice of two paintings and this one immediately grabbed my attention. We both love it as much now as we did then.

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  • Significance


    Jackie painted this watercolour at my request and it was my wedding gift from me to my husband so it has beautiful memories for me of a place that we used to walk when we visited and then lived in Scotland.

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  • Lisadian


    My fabulous friend Judy commissioned this painting from her dad as a surprise wedding present for me. It came along with a great story of Jackie’s endeavours to get the preliminary sketches for the painting, crouching in the gateway featured and ducking out of sight as cars went past in case anyone from my family…

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  • Evening on Lough Neagh’s Banks

    Evening on Lough Neagh’s Banks

    With typical generosity, Jackie and his family donated a painting for a charity auction we were organising in 2008. He offered two canvases for us to choose from and we selected a stunning sunset for the auction. I also fell in love with the other painting and bought it for myself! I love its depth…

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  • Horse riders

    Horse riders

    This picture was bought from Mc Cullough’s restaurant Ulster Inn approximately 30 years ago.

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  • St. Patrick’s R.C. Cathedral

    St. Patrick’s R.C. Cathedral

    This was painted for my Grandmother, given to her before the birth of her youngest daughter in 1978. The view is from behind Callan Street, from the old Sherrys field. My Grandmother grew up beside Jackie in Mill Row.

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